Collagen from Vollagen® - A Vegan Collagen With Proven Results

Collagen from Vollagen® - A Vegan Collagen With Proven Results

What is Collagen?

Collagen, a crucial structural protein found in the extracellular matrix, is comprised of Amino Acids, providing essential support to skin, hair and nails

As we age, the production of collagen undergoes a gradual slowdown, accompanied by a decline in its overall quality. Remarkably, collagen levels begin to diminish even as early as the age of 25, with a significant loss of around 50% by the time we reach 50 years old.

The diminishing levels and quality of collagen contribute to the formation of wrinkles, causing the skin to lose its firmness and tone. Additionally, this decline compromises the skin's natural barrier, resulting in dryness, breakouts, and blemishes.

Collagen can be found in the diet, but mainly in animal derived foods. In its native form, collagen cannot be readily absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is typically hydrolyzed, breaking it down into free amino acids for enhanced absorption and utilization.


Vollagen® - Vegan Collagen Complex

Vollagen presents a unique formulation where plant-based amino acids are pre-isolated, making them readily absorbable by the body. It provides a spectrum of amino-acids found in collagen, offering two important advantages over traditional Collagen supplements:

  • Amino Acids are pre-isolated, ensuring they are easily absorbed by the body.
  • Vollagen is vegan and vegetarian-friendly.

This vegan collagen ingredient has been independently consumer tested, with visible improvements to skin collagen structure, skin appearance and hair appearance, within just 60 days of use.


Micronutrients to Support Collagen Formation

Collagen formation in the body relies on a variety of essential micronutrients that play pivotal roles in supporting this crucial structural protein. These micronutrients contribute to the synthesis, maintenance, and overall health of collagen, promoting skin elasticity. Here are some key micronutrients that actively support collagen formation:


1. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is a cornerstone for collagen synthesis. It acts as a cofactor in the enzymatic reactions that form the collagen triple helix structure, essential for the stability and strength of collagen fibers.


2. Proline and Glycine:

These amino acids are integral components of collagen molecules. Proline provides structural stability, while glycine contributes to the formation of collagen's helical structure. Vollagen provides these amino acids and supports collagen production.


3. Copper:

Copper plays a crucial role in the cross-linking of collagen fibers. This process enhances the strength and stability of collagen, ensuring proper tissue structure and function.


4. Zinc:

Zinc is involved in the synthesis of collagen and helps maintain the structural integrity of collagen molecules. It also plays a role in wound healing and tissue repair.


5. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A supports skin health and promotes the proper functioning of epithelial cells, which are essential for the synthesis of collagen.


6. Silica:

Silica contributes to collagen formation and is involved in maintaining the health of connective tissues, including skin, hair, and nails.


7. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting collagen from oxidative damage. This helps maintain the quality and integrity of collagen in the body.


8. B Vitamins (Biotin and Niacin):

Biotin is essential for skin health and plays a role in the formation of collagen. Niacin (vitamin B3) supports the circulation of blood to the skin, ensuring nutrients are delivered to support collagen synthesis.



Incorporating a well-balanced diet rich in these micronutrients, along with considering dietary supplements when necessary, can significantly contribute to supporting collagen formation and maintaining overall connective tissue health in the body.

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